Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Innauguration

Obama will be sworn into the white house January, 20 2009. It will be a historic event becasue he will be the first African American president ever. It is interesting to think what Obama will say. Specifically, when reading the reaction of Michael Waldman, former director of speechwriting for President Bill Clinton, worked on two inaugural addresses and four State of the Union Addresses. He is author of “My Fellow Americans: The Most Important Presidential Speeches From George Washington to George W. Bush” and the executive director of the Brennen Center for Justice at NYU School of Law. In his opinion, he believes that Obama could possibly have a memorable speech becasue his "raw" potential. He believes that it could either be a speech similar to Jefferson's or Lincoln's.

In my opinion Barack Obama's speech will be memorable considering he is the first black president and he has the largest crowd ever with 2 million people. Obama should address his future endeavors in the speech and avoid saying things for the sake of being memorable. Obama will most likely be influenced by Lincoln becasue Lincoln's speech was very memmorable and he adressed freedom in his speech. Obama's speech will be similar becauswe he is the first black president, and he will be adressing how far our nation has come since Lincoln's speech. Despite the fact that both presidents were from opposite political sides, they are both similar because they won the nomination for their party against odds. Also, there are similarities between both presidents, becasue they both serve as examples for racial justice. Specifically, over 100 years ago, Lincoln freed the slaves with his emancipation proclomation, which gave hope for African Americans. Obama being elected is also a sign of hope for racial equality because an African American has become president, which shows our country has progressed past an era of slavery.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Computer Relationships

Today, many couples are involved in long distance relationships in which they use the computer to reach one another. These relationships are usually caused as a result of people moving to another area as a result of a job oppurtunity. Many people like the Harvey family have to learn to adapt to this situation. Specifically, Mr. Harvey needed to move to New Orleans to take a job as an assistant professor at New Orleans. However, the family stayed in their previous home in Chicago. Harvey says that “It is not a great time to buy a house in New Orleans, nor is it a good time to sell one in Chicago.” Miles harvey and his family use the program Skype to reach one another and speak via the computer.

In my opinion, computer relationships seem as if they could only last for brief amounts of time and that they would not be very effective for for many years. It is logical for people to use skype and similar programs with their friends to communicate, but to use it as the foundation for a relationship is ridiculous in my opinion.