Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cyberbullying Case

Megan Meier, a thirteen year old girl from Missouri, commited suicide as a result of online communications. Lori Drew, the mother of a former firend of Meier's was convicted of a Misdemeanor for cyberbullying. Many people believe that she should have been charged with murder or of similar felony charges. This is a controversial issue because people wonder if you can actually be charged with murder just for saying something. Drew posed as a teenage boy and befriended Megan Meier, but later sent hateful messages to her. Drew said, "The world would be a better palce without you." the nature of the comments by Drew were sadistic, especially because a 49 year old women was trying to cause mental harm to Meier.

In the end, Drew will serve limited time in jail, but despite these injustices, I believe this punishement is fair. This is because in America, people have the right to say whatever they want, no matter the nature of their comments. I believe that Meier was unstable, and as a result, she was pushed over the edge with these comments.